“BASIC INCOME is the life-saving boat of a sinking global economy” | P2P Foundation | Peer2Politics | Scoop.it
Boby: “UBI stands for “Unconditional Basic Income” and it is an economical measure that is deeply rooted in “The Universal Declaration of Human Rights”. It is an unconditional monthly cash transfer that is used as a preventive and emancipatory or in other words stimulating measure for the betterment of society and against poverty. It elevates people from extreme poverty and gives them the chance to participate in society as equal human beings. When you receive an Unconditional Basic Income you receive the freedom to live your life in a more meaningful way. ECI stands for “European Citizens’ Initiative” and is the direct democracy tool of the European Union. If an Initiative under the ECI regulation meet a certain amount of signatures from certain amount of Member States it forces the European Commision to propose a legal act in an area where the Member States have conferred powers onto the EU level. So ECI for UBI is: “European Citizens’ Initiative for Unconditional Basic Income” and it is asking the European Commission, to encourage cooperation between the Member States aiming to explore the Unconditional Basic Income (UBI) as a tool to improve their respective social security systems.”