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on peer-to-peer dynamics in politics, the economy and organizations
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Marjorie Kelly on the Emergent Ownership Revolution

Can we sustain a low-growth or no-growth economy indefinitely without changing dominant ownership designs? That seems unlikely. Probably impossible. How, then, do we make the turn? How can we design economic architectures that are self-organized not around profit maximization, but around serving the needs of life? *

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Dmytri Kleiner proposes new commons-oriented license

Dmytri Kleiner has written a Marxist critique of both the limitations of the General Public Licene and the Creative Commons license (forMute Magazine), which ends with a proposal for a new type of Copyfarleft license which would disallow commercial usage, but only by private firms.

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Cook Report: The Right to Telecommunications Self-Determination with Examples from Spain, USA, Argentina and France

This November-December COOK Report explores the free network movement literally across continents and hemispheres – from agrarian villages nestled among the foothills of the Pyrenees to urban inner-city neighborhoods in America’s Heartland. As a follow on to the March April 2013 exploration of and Isaac Wilder’s Kansas City work, it looks at these networks as part of a global movement – one where the builders are collaborating on a national and international level. These builders work together and share their tools and code. Nothing proprietary here. They don’t seek wealth. They do seek to do for the communities in which they live what, “free market” based capitalism has failed to do. They are a bright hope for a future that, if one is not a part of the ruling elite, looks increasingly dim.

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Worker Ownership as inclusive capitalism

today there are over 19,000 companies that collectively employ over 25 million workers that fit under a broad definition of employee ownership. That figure comprises nearly 16 percent of the American workforce. A related statistic from the University of Chicago’s General Social Survey reports that about 18 percent of those who work for companies in this country own stock in their companies.

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Cooperative Land Banks

“The issue and question for me though is: Is the current system reformable? It appears not to be or at least in relation to the dominant parts. Therefore the arguments for ecological reconstruction that Gar Alperovitz has been advancing seems to me to be the viable and practical way forward. Critical to any solution is a model for change that enables monopoly and enclosure to be overcome and to do so steadily and inexcorably without descending into civil war.

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Enclosure - the private appropriation of resources previously held in common,

Enclosure -  the private appropriation of resources previously held in common, | Peer2Politics |

Beyond the theoretical and historical arguments about the effects of enclosure on real property lie the question of how well those arguments translate to the world of the intangible and intellectual. It is that question which this chapter raises. Christopher May, A Global Political Economy of Intellectual Property Rights: The New Enclosures? (London: Routledge, 2000) offers a similar analogy—as do several other articles cited in the text. The key differences obviously lie in the features of intellectual property identified in the earlier chapters—its nonrivalrousness and nonexcludability—and on the ways in which a commons of cultural, scientific, and technical information has been central to the operation of both liberal democracy and capitalist economy. I owe the latter point particularly to Richard Nelson, whose work on the economics of innovation amply repays further study: Richard Nelson, Technology, Institutions, and Economic Growth (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2005)." 

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If the Goal is Scale, Promote Theft

“Organizations can’t ignite systems change alone. They will always be hindered by their own programmatic myopia, constrained by their internal innovation cycles, isolated by their own geographic limitations, restrained by their ever-present funding limitations, and hampered by their capacity to manage rapid growth. If we could free existing solutions from these constraints, would we continue to see more new innovations or would we start to see greater replication of established, effective models?

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A Currency Proposal for Liquid Ownership

During the last years, people all over the world have witnessed the destruction of their livelihoods while at the same time a few people became richer and richer.

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A Copyfarleft license for ethical economy players » Murray J. Brown

A Copyfarleft license for ethical economy players » Murray J. Brown | Peer2Politics |

The Peer Production License (PPL) is an interesting hybrid between a Copyleft license, such as the GPL, and the widely adopted Creative Commons license, such that only other commoners, cooperatives and nonprofits can share and re-use the material, but not commercial entities intent on making profit through the commons without explicit reciprocity.

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If the Goal is Scale, Promote Theft (SSIR)

If the Goal is Scale, Promote Theft (SSIR) | Peer2Politics |
Too many smart people are trying to come up with too many new solutions; fostering plagiarism of successful models is the fastest track to systems change.
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Video: Community Land Trusts in the U.S.

Video: Community Land Trusts in the U.S. | Peer2Politics |

“Homes and Hands is a great video that illustrates the different ways that community land trusts operate in the U.S.”

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Peer Production License - P2P Foundation

Peer Production License - P2P Foundation | Peer2Politics |

The peer production license is an example of the Copyfarleft type of license, in which only other commoners, cooperatives and nonprofits can share and re-use the material, but not commercial entities intent on making profit through the commons without explicit reciprocity

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Humanizing the Economy - P2P Foundation

Humanizing the Economy - P2P Foundation | Peer2Politics |

"At the close of the twentieth century, corporate capitalism extended its reach over the globe. While its defenders argue that globalization is the only way forward for modern, democratic societies, the spread of this system is failing to meet even the most basic needs of billions of individuals around the world. Moreover, the entrenchment of this free market system is undermining the foundations of healthy societies, caring communities, and personal well-being.

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P2P Foundation's blog » Blog Archive » Movement of the Day: the ...

“The Catalan Integrated Cooperative (CIC) began two years ago; it now has 850 members and several thousand people who participate in debates and projects. Under the label “integrated,” the Cooperative functions as a political project seeking to tie together consumer and labor initiatives “and many others, such as education, mechanisms to create a cooperative basic income, eco-stores, collective stores, meetings and events, and a legal structure to help the formation of eco-networks and other similar projects in Catalonia,” explains its communication team.

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The Politics of Inclusive Capitalism (2)

“Inclusive capitalism may not sell well with professors and pundits, but it appears to have some genuine appeal at the grass roots with “Main Street” business owners and across a surprisingly wide spectrum of political opinion. There are actually indications that these ideas can unite or at minimum enforce a practical truce among ideologically disparate people.

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Treasury of the iCommons: Reflections of a Commons Sourcing Lawyer | TIM Review

This article advances the thesis that "commons sourcing" is the emerging third wave of commercial transformation. It begins with the iCommons concept and its origin in open source software (OSS) methodologies and emergence in other business models. It then defines commons sourcing and situates it with respect to the two earlier waves of commercial transformation. It concludes with some reflections by a commons sourcing lawyer.



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Why is this contradiction between use and exchange value so fundamental to capitalism?

“All commodities have to be understood as having a use value and exchange value. If I have a steak the use value is that I can eat it and the exchange value is how much I had to pay for it.


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The Case for Stewardship (not Ownership) of Antiquities, Language, DNA and More | David Bollier

The Case for Stewardship (not Ownership) of Antiquities, Language, DNA and More | David Bollier | Peer2Politics |

In this age of marauding markets, it almost seems quaint to ask, “Who owns culture?”  We know the answer.  When push comes to shove, the owners of copyright, trademarks and patents own everything.  We may think that the music, images and stories of our culture belong to us, but as a matter of law, in the 165+ countries that have signed the Berne Convention, our designated role buy (and not use someone else's "property.")   



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Welcome To The New Millennial Economy: Goodbye Ownership, Hello Access

Welcome To The New Millennial Economy: Goodbye Ownership, Hello Access | Peer2Politics |
This is a guest post by Gary Swart, the CEO of oDesk, an online marketplace for hiring virtual workers.  Today’s millennials don’t like to own anything—besides businesses, that is.
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Emerging Ownership Revolution - P2P Foundation

Emerging Ownership Revolution - P2P Foundation | Peer2Politics |

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Do We Need a New Vocabulary for Politics - P2P Foundation

Do We Need a New Vocabulary for Politics - P2P Foundation | Peer2Politics |

Here are some of the terms of the old vocabulary: public goods and private goods, for-profit and non-profit organizations, public agencies and NGOs, capital and social markets, government, markets, and civil society, the commons and the private.

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About Co-op Power

About Co-op Power | Peer2Politics |
Co-op Power is a regional network of local communities creating a multi-class, multi-racial movement for a sustainable and just energy future. Members receive numerous benefits including discounts on solar hot water systems.
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T-Corporations - P2P Foundation

T-Corporations - P2P Foundation | Peer2Politics |

"There is only one way to ensure that a company will make decisions in the interests of the people it serves: Put those people in control of the company. So let me introduce the T corporation. Most business-savvy people know that there are S corporations (Subchapter S of the Internal Revenue Code) and C corporations (Subchapter C), but almost no one thinks about forming a T corporation (Subchapter T). But T corporations have been around for a long time, and they have a major benefit of not paying tax if 1) they are governed democratically by the shareholders (i.e., everyone gets one vote in the election of the board, regardless of share value) and 2) the earnings of the company are distributed to the shareholders on the basis of how much they patronize (i.e. do business with) the company.

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Property Outlaws

Property Outlaws | Peer2Politics |

Book: Property Outlaws: How Squatters, Pirates and Protesters Improve the Law of Ownership. By Sonia Katyal and Eduardo Penalver. Yale University Press, 2010

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Currency Proposal for Liquid Ownership - P2P Foundation

Currency Proposal for Liquid Ownership - P2P Foundation | Peer2Politics |

During the last years, people all over the world have witnessed the destruction of their livelihoods while at the same time a few people became richer and richer.

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