Nasa finding confirms Indian theory: Black holes are 'ultra hot balls of fire' - Firstpost | Science, Space, and news from 'out there' |

Recent observation by Nasa scientists of giant flares of X-rays from a black hole confirms theory that the black holes ultra hot balls of fire like our Sun. 


It came as a surprise when Nasa announced last month that two of its space telescopes caught a huge burst of X-ray spewing out of a super massive black hole. 


What is unique about this giant flare is it appeared to be triggered by the eruption of a massive corona (charged particles) from the "black hole". If nothing can get out of a black hole, how did the corona come out of it? 


Abhas Mitra, till recently head of theoretical astrophysics at the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) in Mumbai and currently Adjunct Professor at the Homi Bhabha National Institute says Nasa's observation has only bolstered his theory that "true" black holes do not exist and that the so-called black holes are in fact hot balls of magnetized plasma...