Why are so many smart people such idiots about philosophy? | Science, Space, and news from 'out there' | Scoop.it

There's no doubt that Bill Nye "the Science Guy" is extremely intelligent. But it seems that, when it comes to philosophy, he’s completely in the dark.

The beloved American science educator and TV personality posted a video last week where he responded to a question from a philosophy undergrad about whether philosophy is a "meaningless topic. 

My comment:

Bill Nye is completely lost on that question. He ends up arguing the side of the matrix, the constructed reality we live in.

Philosophy as I understand it, is asking ourselves the big questions and trying to figure out the answer ... Philosophy is the science that should guide physics for instance, it should provide input to look in the right direction. 

... and it is of course a valid part of the world of science. Philosophy as taught today however, has somehow lost touch with its original purpose, which was that of an essentially explorative discipline.